Friday, September 10, 2021


The Arlington Fire Journal debuted in 1999 as a traditional staple, ink and paper newsletter and provided coverage of the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on the Pentagon.

Each edition was hand-delivered to the county's ten fire station as well as the federal fire station at Fort Myer, and distributed at meetings of the Arlington County Fire & Rescue Association. Copies were also delivered to the Central Library.

The Fire Journal shifted to the web a few years later and expanded historical research to neighboring communities.

Retired Battalion Chief James Fought and senior volunteer Harold LeRoy, both of Arlington County, provided inspiration for the project. They are gone now but not forgotten.  

Fire department volunteers Donald "Rudy" Rudolph and Kim Rudolph also provided valuable assistance at the start as did Chief Fought's daughter, Betty, and retired career firefighter Frank Higgins who spent many years at Fire Station No. 7.