Thursday, November 19, 2009


David Povlitz: Appointed October 2018. Veteran of Anne Arundel County and City of Alexandria fire departments. Holds Master of Science in Management and bachelor of Science in Fire Science from University of Maryland

James Bonzano:  Appointed May 2016. Veteran paramedic. Led EMS  branch at Sept. 11, 2001 attack on Pentagon. Served in variety of command positions including deputy chief, personnel services section chief, EMS battalion chief, EMS captain. Master’s degree from Marymount University in Organizational Leadership and Innovation. Retired 2018.

James Schwartz: Appointed fire chief in June 2004. As assistant chief for operations led unified command at Sept. 11, 2001 attack on Pentagon. Tapped as as county Director of Emergency Management in April 2003 until his appointment as Fire Chief. Appointed deputy county manager in August 2015. 
Edward Plaugher: Led department during Sept. 11, 2001 attack on Pentagon. Credited with having foresight to plan for potential terrorism. Established two heavy rescue and two quint companies. Named "Career Fire Chief of the Year" by Fire Chief Magazine in 2004. Veteran of Fairfax County Fire & Rescue Department.

Thomas Hawkins:  Advocated diversity and training. Oversaw opening of county fire academy campus and Glebe Road fire station. Served as program manager at National Fire Academy prior to appointment. Associate professor of fire services at Northern Virginia Community College. Appointed City of Alexandria Fire Chief in 1993.

Robert Groshon: Hired nation's first female career firefighter. County's first paramedic units placed in service on Groshon's watch. Played key role in establishment of Northern Virginia automatic mutual aid plan. Advocated safety yellow color scheme for fire apparatus.

Joseph Clements: Oversaw post World War Two expansion of fire department, including opening of Fire Stations 9 and 10.  Supervised operations at 1959 Pentagon fire.  

Albert Scheffel: Appointed first fire marshal in 1927. Appointed to new post of fire chief in 1930s. Hired first paid firefighters from the county's volunteer ranks in 1940.